Abraham Lincoln


“I believe the BIBLE is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good of the Savior of the world is communicated to us through the Book.


~ Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, 1809-1865

Daniel Webster


“Education is useless without the Bible.”


~Daniel Webster, American politician and noted orator, 1782-1852

Theodore Roosevelt


“A thorough understanding of the Bible is better
than a college education.”


~Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States, 1858-1919

George Washington


“It is impossible to rightly govern the world
without God and Bible.”


~George Washington, 1st President of the United States, 1732-1799

Daniel Webster


“If we abide by the principles taught in the BIBLE, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions and authority, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”


~Daniel Webster, American politician and noted orator, 1782-1852

Word Studies

A word found in the Bible is first defined, and then scripture references are listed so one can research the Biblical texts and contexts of the word’s usage in the Bible.

Topical Bible Study

Compiled here is a list of subjects found throughout the Bible sorted and studied topically.  Each topical study lists the scripture references pertaining to each of the topics studied.

Bible Doctrines

Compiled here are the doctrines found in the Bible.  Each doctrine elucidates keys to understanding the Bible – scriptural references are listed that are relevant to each doctrine.

Bible Study Tools

Compiled here are a list of Bible study tools with a description of what they are.  Of those listed, some are available online; others are not. Included are tips on how to use each tool.